
                 Before start to create Oracle Forms need to have so prerequisites.must have a valid user account in an Oracle server or a local installation of an Oracle database. Contact your DBA or systems administrator to learn the details of how Oracle server is set up in your organization.

                 If you have a local instance of the Oracle database, please do not use the SYSTEM (DBA) account to practice development. There is a good chance you can corrupt
the entire database by mistake. You are much better off making use of the SCOTT/TIGER schema or (even better) creating a separate user (schema) for this tutorial work and for practicing.

                One more word of caution. Oracle has designed Oracle9i, 10g and 11g as a three tier architecture. This means that the database (Oracle9i, 10g or 11g server) should run on one server, the application Server (Oracle9i, 10g or 11g Application Server or Oracle9iAS Containers for Java (OC4J) server as used here) runs on a second server and the client application (written in Oracle Forms and Reports for example) runs on a third machine – typically through a web browser. One can get all of these components to run on the same machine, but it requires both a fast processor and a lot of RAM.
             You should also be familiar with Oracle’s SQL*Plus tools and should be comfortable connecting to a database schema, creating tables, inserting and manipulating data (with SQL INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements) and with querying table data (with SQL SELECT statements). (I've experience with with SQL Navigator/SQL developer tools)
For Example: Lets create a new table as follows,

                Install Oracle Forms and Reports builder from Oracle official website or get backup from any friends.

Link to download various Oracle developer tools : Click on me

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