Oracle Report output truncated in second page
Check the below In property pallet - advance layout - print object on - Enclosing Object
ORA-00024: logins from more than one process not allowed in single-process...
ORA-00023: session references process private memory; cannot detach...
Exception handling with method overriding There are many rules and conditions in Exception handling with method overriding. Such as what will...
Exception Propagation/Exception Chaining Unchecked exceptions are automatically forwarded in a calling chain. And this concept is also known...
Custom Exceptions – Exception Handling A user defined exception or an exception which is made by the users to make the code print specific...
throw and throws Keywords – Exception Handling throw Keyword “throw” keyword is used to throw an exception in methods, All the...
finally Block – Exception handling The finally block always executes when the try block exits. This ensures that the finally block is...
Check the below In property pallet - advance layout - print object on - Enclosing Object
ORA-00024: logins from more than one process not allowed in single-process mode Cause: Trying to login more than once from...
ORA-00023: session references process private memory; cannot detach session Cause: An attempt was made to detach the cur...
ORA-00022 : invalid session ID; access denied Cause: Either the session specified does not exist or the caller does not have th...
ORA-00021: session attached to some other process; cannot switch session Cause: The user session is currently used by others....